Consumer Insight

Big Data and artificial intelligence are rapidly transforming the way marketing is perceived, and machine learning is the empowering factor in this scenario.


The main objective of marketing is to better understand customers and offer them personalized products. Machine learning can successfully leverage the value hidden into an ever-increasing amount of data, to understand consumer behavior for attracting and retaining the most profitable customers.


We effectively transform massive data about customers and sales into insight and predictions to support a broad range of critical processes that optimize marketing plans. Major tasks enabled by our algorithms include: build rich customer profiles and identify key personas, predict the likelihood to buy and rank customers, suggest individual recommendations to grow consumer value, increase customers satisfaction and their loyalty, increase sales.


Our software can integrate internal information with external data, provided by data brokers or the web. It has been successfully applied in a variety of companies in different industries, including retail, manufacturing, fashion, telecommunication, media, finance.